That is why we, together with a good source of protein and mealworms, trust in fresh fruits and vegatables.
It is estimated that over 90% of all the health problems Veterinarians seen in Sugar Gliders are directly related to poor diets that owners innocently found on the Internet. According to multiple Veterinary studies, these diets often contain excessive levels of sugar and fat and they lack the wide range of vital nutrients, vitamins and essential minerals that are required by domestic Sugar Gliders. While Sugar Gliders usually love these "junk food" diets, they often begin to suffer from obesity, bone disease and a wide range of other health problems.
There are several different theories on what you should feed a sugar glider on a daily basis. But most sugar glider experts agree that these wonderful animals, when raised in captivity, require fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and protein. We recommend fresh food every day with vitamins with calcium sprinkled on top, staples in the habitats at all time, mealworms and healthy treats. We have healthy gliders and we believe it is because of this diet and of course the loving care we give our sweethearts on a daily basis. We know that our diet takes a little more time to prepare than powdered versions, but it is well worth our time. Avoid feeding anything with preservatives, sugar or color additives. Gliders in the wild eat very low fat diets and get lots of exercise gliding through the rain forest. Gliders raised in captivity, without a healthy diet, can become fat and develop health problems.
Sugar gliders are very active animals with high metabolisms. Therefore it is important that you keep staple food in their cage at all times. In addition, we recommend you serve them a fresh diet on a daily basis in late afternoon, periodically provide healthy treats and mealworms. And of course make sure they have fresh filtered water at all times.
Staple - Cereal: The premium cereal we use is Nestle's Nestum Baby Cereal (First Cereal). We recommend 1-2 teaspoons per glider per day. Throw out old cereal in the morning and late afternoon, clean the bowl and put fresh cereal in, twice a day. (This item is at most Spar's, Pick & Pay's and Checkers)
Fresh Diet (and protein): Most fruit and vegetables (see list below of recommended fruit and vegetables). This must be cut up every night, together with cooked chicken fillet (protein). Eggs (protein) may be given in moderation. Frozen vegetables may be given, but we recommend fresh vegetables. 1 ½ - 2 tablespoons per glider per day served in late afternoon.
List of Fruit:
List of Vegetables:
Sweet Patatoes
Corn (in moderation)
Brusel Sprouts
French Beans
Green Beans
Protein: Favorites include meal worms, cooked chicken and eggs. You can boil the chicken and scramble the eggs. We do not recommend you give your sugar gliders pork or beef because of the high fat content and once again, fat gliders are not happy and health.
Vitamins: Sprinkle a good multivitamin/multi-mineral, with calcium, on your gliders food everyday. DO NOT USE REPTILE VITAMINS FOR YOUR SMALL MAMMAL!
The sugar gliders high diet of fruits and vegetables contains inverse amounts of phosphorous to calcium. High phosphorus and low calcium leaches calcium from their bones making the bones brittle and easily broken or fractured. Calcium deficiency will make your glider sick, then will cause hind leg or total paralysis, and will kill them. If you notice any trembling or shaking (on a consistent basis, not just when scared), or any trouble climbing in the cage or hanging on to the perch, contact your exotic animal vet immediately. Neocalglucon or Calciquid (calcium glubionate in a sweet syrup), is an excellent product to rebuild calcium quickly, your vet (one who is very knowledgeable in sugar gliders) can instruct you on how much and how often to give this calcium supplement. Do not feed these high phosphorous foods: beef, most seeds, nuts and cottage cheese – eliminate these foods from your gliders diet. Corn is also high in phosphorus and should be fed sparingly and an occasional almond is fine. Just think moderation. Prevention is your safest bet, so use vitamins daily.
A teaspoon of low fat yogurt may be added to your fresh mix.
Fresh Water: You must be sure to provide your sugar glider with fresh water daily. We recommend you use filtered water and never let your water bottle be empty. As an additional beverage, you can mix ½ filtered water with ½ 100% fruit juice; like 100% apple juice, but we recommend that only 3 times per week.
Mealworms: The favorite treat of a sugar glider is the live mealworm. It is a high protein treat and can be given to them on a daily basis – no more than 10-12 medium sized mealworms per glider. It is also a great treat to use when bonding with your sugar glider or having fun hand feeding your pet.
Treats: Other treats that seem to make sugar gliders happy are yogurt drops, dried cherry drops, dried mealworms, dried crickets. Also cutting up fresh fruit such as watermelon and oranges, or sweet potatoes will make your sugar gliders jump for joy.
Chocolate of any kind, candy of any variety, bread, cat food, dog food, seeds or any food with high sugar content. We do not feed our gliders any type of nuts. An occasional non-seasoned raw almond would be ok, but our rule is NO NUTS. Any vegetable that is high in phosphorous is not good for sugar gliders. And we ask (pretty please) that you do your homework before you buy any item that is pre-mixed, has more than one ingredient, claims to be the answer to all your needs, or seems to be too good to be true. Your new best friend(s) depend on you to keep them safe, healthy and happy. Do not feed your glider garlic, Rhubarb, leeks and onions.